Blog Post #5: The Graphic Novel

Blog post #5
The Graphic Novel

            Reading Blankets by Craig Thompson I was worried that it wouldn’t be an enjoyable read to me and it would take too long for me to read. The story was something very interesting to me because it is something that a reader can connect to extremely easily whether dealing with religion and relationships. I felt I connected with Blankets because it is something I have gone through in my life of dealing with relationships but also with dealing with the loss of religion and worrying about going down a wrong path by doing that. Once I left an elementary school where I was forced to go to church and to study religion as part of my studies attending a private Catholic school, I began to stop believing in God and all the religion I studied. Reading about him worrying about the reactions of his parents because they are overly religious is interesting to me because I had that same worry because I didn’t live in an overly religious family but I knew my parents spent a lot of money paying for my education so I worried they would be mad that I didn’t continue my studies and continue the process of initiation. Another key element to the narrative is the feeling of relationship and losing that first love. Almost everyone has gone through a breakup and had to realize that at that moment it will hurt but in the future, it will allow you to have a better life. Having a story that was very relatable made it something that was super easy and fast to read even though it was so long.

             Reading Will Eisner’s Last Day in Vietnam was more difficult because it treats you as the reporter so you hear the responses but you don’t get much context clues about what the question is so you have to try and make your own in order to fit the responses. Another thing that is difficult about reading Last Day in Vietnam is the terms or stories that they used in the novel which is very confusing because there were a lot of military terms that would be put in. Reading a Will Eisner compared to Craig Thompson is more difficult because it is hard to understand and connect especially in Last Day in Vietnam but I think because of subject matter, time period and age of the character that makes it more difficult to connect with the stories.


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