A Week of Kindness, Thursday Element: Blackness, Examples: The Rooster's Laughter

1st panel: A street performer seems to be trying to dance to collect money.
2nd panel: There is a bird-like creature looking over the woman who is possibly the street performer from the panel before.
3rd panel: Two creatures one that is rooster like and another bird-like figure that are either burying a dead or attempting to bring her back to life.
4th panel: The creatures are searching for a way to bring the women back to life in a ritual using dark magic.
5th panel: A man with a rooster head has found someone who he cares about dead possibly the dead women in the 3rd panel that is being buried laying on the bedroom floor.
6th panel: The women seem to be in a sleeping state moving around in a strange position possibly being controlled by the rooster creature.
7th panel: Two women seem to be talking with the rooster creature asking for something they desperately need and want.
8th panel: Two women possibly from the panel before are hiding from the rooster creature who is searching them out whether as a collection for the things they want or just as the next victim.


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